Sarah Richards Coaching

Hello and Welcome

by | Oct 17, 2024 | That other C-word

Woman sitting in chair writing a journal

Hi there, I’m Sarah, a positive mindset coach and I’ve just found out that I have cancer.

I am right at the start of my cancer journey, still processing the news, still not quite taking it in , still having plenty of “what the actual F&@k!” moments and obviously feeling anxious about what’s to come.

It feels very much like I woke up after being sedated for a routine hospital test and found myself on a moving train.   A train I hadn’t planned to be on and hadn’t bought a ticket for.

And now I’m on this train,  I can’t just hop off it and I can’t forget there is a train.   I’m stuck on the bloody train and I’m not sure where it’s heading, or how long I’ll be on it and I’ve got no idea what to expect on the journey.  Even worse, I’ve somehow managed to drag my poor family and dear friends on to the train with me.    And they definitely didn’t buy a ticket or sign up for this.

And then there are other friends and people in my world running alongside the tracks waving madly,  blowing kisses and wondering why the f&ck I’m on the train.

Seriously how did this even happen?  Because this wasn’t on my vision  board.   It wasn’t in the business plan.  None of us are supposed be having conversations about chemo and treatment plans.  We’re supposed to be getting on with life as normal, doing the everyday things we always do.

Finding out that I have cancer is outside of my control.  And to be perfectly honest with you, it’s more than a bit shit. But, and it’s a big important but.  There is still so much that I can control and this is what I’m choosing to focus on.

I am determined to settle in for the ride with as much positivity as I can muster, a whole heap of humour, lots of gratitude, some swearing (actually probaby quite a lot of swearing to be fair!) and copious amounts of tea drinking.

Given that I’m passionate about coaching and have a bit of a thing for cultivating and maintaining a positive mindset, the following shouldn’t come as much surprise.    As I share my story, I’ll be sneaking in a few positive mindset tips and coaching perspectives whenever I can.        And I’ll be talking about some of the things that are helping me to deal with this unexpected journey in the best way possible for me.

And I hope that by sharing my experiences, my journey and my thoughts along the  way, I will be able to help someone else in some small way and turn this unexpected and unwanted rollercoaster ride into something positive.

Some time ago I created a positivity journal called “Fabulous Little Things” –  it’s a journal focused on gratitude and joy, both of which will factor alot in how I deal with navigating life with that other c-word.

The “not so fabulous little thing diaries”, therefore, seemed like the perfect name for this new blog!